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39 colourful pictures using the aspiration trick for the "K" sound.

Presented in a PDF document with one set per page, i.e. 39 pages total. 

Examples include "K" + "he" = "key", "K" + "hit" = "kit".


The "K" is represented by a camera, where young learners can refer to this as a visual reminder to make the "K" sound. 


Above the camera image is a picture of a mouth shape as an additional prompt to make the "K" sound.


The target words are written below each picture where the target sound ("K") is written in red, while the red of the word is written in green.


Please note that, since the aspiration trick is working with sounds rather than letters, the "K" sound is written with a 'k' but the actual word said is spelt correctly. For example, "K" + "hut" = "cut". 


Suitable for NZ English speakers.

K aspiration trick

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